Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Poem by Duncan Thomas

The shadow passes, black as the night, standing there. We are the same, outcast, dark and alone...

We stand together when all have backed away. Defeated, I stand quivering, tears running down my face. I turn around and scream at the emptiness behind me...

I curse fate for what I have been thrown into... Knowing it has nothing to do with destiny, but all my wrong choices and my mistakes have lead me up to here, this moment...

Wishing I could change what lies ahead, this is who I am... I wait for my old self to resurface, but I can't and it won't... It's in too deep... Trapped by the purple vision and in the strawberry fields... It is time... Yet I can't and won't bring myself to do this... Now it's too late... What have I done? Who are you? I scream at the nothingness that has enveloped me... And I haven't and nor shall I get the answer....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Big plans

rage comics - I Am the Cake Boss


rage comics - Made You Sweat


rage comics - Better Get a Beanie


rage comics - Tasted Legit

Getting Glasses

rage comics - The Transformation Is Complete, Though Your Probably Didn't Know There Was One

Smile Like an Idiot

Para Para Paradise



You Be The Sun

How I Eat

What can I say? Food is delicious and must be consumed in the most effective ways possible.

Shit I Love


Before I Die


