Thursday, September 29, 2011


Follow Dreams

Forever Young

Concert Ticket


Photo Courtesy: xlastkiss


Get Him To The Greek

Crazy New Shit


Big Bang

I Do That

PE not Olympics

Horror Movies

That Pen


Singing one line

Wearing My Undies

Unplanned Moments

Sorry About Your Wall

I Can Relate

Cereal Killer


Hey Beautiful

The Beatles got it right

Skinny Love

Drink I Paid for


Summer is coming!!

Please please please be a good summer. ^u^ <3 With lots of great memories, relaxation, and drawing for chibird. Already JUNE! Drew this with no “lines”, but don’t be fooled, making things “shiny” is easy. xD
On another note: I had to re-upload all my site graphics because my photobucket exceeded bandwidth for this month (it’s only June 2?! and too many views…). o__o


Speed paint that went overboard. XD <3 Oh please reblog and enjoy my hard work. I love braiding my sister’s hair because she has natural brown highlights, and it looks pretty weaving through the braid. :D

Shopping Probs

Went to the mall today and encountered all these problems. XD I rarely every buy things, but I did find a navy skirt this time. ^u^

Fashion Statements

Penguin fashion sense is hilarious. xD I was debating whether to put some text in (“what’s up, guys?” 8D), but decided against it.

Typing Habits

I don’t mind too much, but it is so much nicer to read clearly written text. :D Not to worry- I admit I sometimes drop writing conventions when I’m in a hurry or am too lazy. xD


I don’t stalk people on Facebook… -cough- xD Unhappy with the art here, but too tired to try to redraw it. >___<; Sorry y’all, hopefully I’ll post something nicer tomorrow.

Ways to cool off

Just some tiny doodles! c: It’s like fs read my mind when it asked that question about the best way to cool off. I think I’ll go swimming tomorrow. ^u^

The Remote

Something very simple for you all. I wish I had time to draw more. :c

The kid pretending to have messages

I actually don’t use my cellphone much, but my iPod works just as well. XD


I worked hard on this (hiding watermarks is like a game now XD) and hope you guys enjoy it. ;u; For those who are unaware, Nutella is a chocolatey hazelnut spread also in Ferrero Rochers. It tastes amazing with pita chips. <3
And just curious: how do you pronounce Nutella? Nuh-tella, new-tella, or noo-tella?

Is your life boring?

The moral is moustaches make everything better. -nod- I want to make an animation of better dancing now. xD Plus drawing the disco ball was just fun.

Singing Adele

This song has so many covers now, I’m afraid it’s overdone. @x@;; but I still love Adele. <3 This is a very cartoony style, playing with random textures from fivepointsapart.

Popping Popcorn

“I thought you were supposed to wait until there were no more pops!” - my sister. XD It was all burnt when it came out. Since then, she’s learned to master microwave popcorn. ;D

Pick Up Lines

I take no credit for these lines, which were my favorite cheese & corn ones to share with you all. XD I guess I could’ve typed them or something, but that’s boring. Enjoy!

When Life Gives You Lemons

Some literal interpretations of this cute little saying. c: Can you believe today is the 1 year anniversary of my first post? I didn’t follow anyone or anything until later though because I was too shy. xD;;

1st day of school

Postponed to tomorrow because of the hurricane! Tried using a palette instead of my usual bright spectrum, but I chose a bright palette anyways, so it’s probably the same. o3o;; Wishing for a good first day~

Time goes so slow

When I put my hair in a ponytail, the short hairs on the sides fall out of it and look like a little bob (as in all my pictures). XD This took up too much time, gotta finish physics homework now~

My Kinda Weekend

But not this weekend, thanks to Labor Day~! <3 I’ll just be doing all my homework monday night instead.

Cheesy Jokes

Ohoho, quality humour. ;D Joke not originally mine.

Harry Potter

No dangerous spells, just some fun ones. I’m not prepared to do a wizard duel yet, but enjoy the animation~ xD

What to do when sick

I really just loved drawing and coloring this cute little picture. ^u^ It’s nearing flu season, so here are some tips if you get sick.